We started out in the dog world raising and exhibiting American Cocker Spaniels.

In the fall of 1994, we were introduced to a whippet when we were visiting friends.  Our daughter, Alyssa fell in love with "Ivy" at first sight and was determined that one day she would have a whippet.

A few months later, Alyssa received a phone call from "Ivy's" owner asking Alyssa if she would like to have "Ivy", as she had moved into a condo and was working full time, and "Ivy" was becoming depressed and needed to be with people.  Of course, Alyssa said yes, and the following day we drove up to get her.

We were thoroughly amazed at how well "Ivy" adapted into our household, it was as though she had been here all her life. We grew to admire her quiet nature, sweet and loving temperament, her friendly outgoing personality and her comical antics, and we realized that this was the breed for us.  Another bonus was the minimal amount of grooming that was required.

We are a small 'kennel' that breeds occasionally and believe firmly in the adage, "Quality not Quantity".  Our dogs are all house pets, they are born and raised in the house.  All of our puppies are guaranteed for health and temperament. 

Deep down, I will always hold a special place in my heart for the American Cocker Spaniels, but once you own a Whippet, you're hooked for life.

Susan, Dave, Alyssa & Cody Nordstrom

Our Foundation - Ch. Taymarc's Black Ice ("Ivy")


ã Copyright Lynallan Whippets 2003-2009
