Sire: Am. Can. Ch. Saxon Shore Roll Of Thunder, SC, ROMX, FCh Dam: Can. Ch. Taymarc's Black Ice
Born: April 11, 2001
By: Dennis Sumara (Brushwood), Linda Stewart
(Endeavor) & Susan Nordstrom (Lynallan)
Teema was from our first litter conceived via frozen semen. Many thanks again to Dennis Sumara
(Brushwood) and Linda Stewart (Endeavor) for allowing us
to breed "Ivy" to "Mr. Bean". Teema quickly finished her Canadian Championship (in only
7 days of showing) as a Junior Puppy and her first day in the ring resulted
in BOB, Group 4 & Best Puppy In Show!! Teema was handled to her
Canadian Championship by Alyssa Nordstrom. In the
States Teema finished quickly and easily. In
only 11 days of showing she picked up two 4 point majors (as a puppy) and
two 5 point majors. Teema is our first American Champion and we
couldn't be more thrilled with her! After finishing her Can. Ch. & on the road to her Am. Ch.
Teema was handled by Raymond Yurick & Shawn Nichols.
For Teema's 3rd and final litter we
bred her to a young dog, SBIS Can. Ch. Dreamwindz Howdoyalike Me Now ("Toby"),
who is owned & bred by Claudine & David Hamilton of
Dreamwindz Whippets.
The litter was born on May 23, 2007 and 3 puppies from this litter will be
shown. Watch for them!!
BPIS #4 - Judge: Mike MacBeth
5 Best Puppy In Shows 3 Group 1sts 2 Group 2nds 2 Group 4ths 12 Puppy Groups 8 Best Of Breeds 15 Best Puppy Of Breeds Special Thanks To All The Judges Who Have Awarded Teema's Many Qualities: Michael Shoreman, Dave Markus, Judith Shurb, Max Madger, Helen Lee James, Marilyn Mincey, Phyllis Wolfish, Harold Pybus, Maxine Beam, Audrey Peach, Larry Kereluke, Leslie Belfit, William Taylor, Mike MacBeth, Merlin Vandekinder, Pat Miller & James Reynolds.
American Show
Record: Dog Fanciers Assoc. of Oregon (Jan.20/03) Best of Winners (4pt major) - Whippet Breeder Judge David J. Hyman Helena Montana Kennel Club, Inc. (Sept. 20/03) Winners Bitch (5pt major) under Lawrence J. Sinclair Gallatin Dog Club (Sept. 24/03)
Winners Bitch (5pt major)
under William Bergum
the road to finishing her American Championship Teema was also awarded Reserve
Winners Female to a major, three times under Rose-Ellen Fetter, Donald
Fitzsimmons, & Joan Frailey. ã Copyright Lynallan Whippets 2003-2008